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Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 10:09 PM

farah moved. (:
Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 10:14 AM
salah satu tanda kiamat kecil

Aku masih teringat pada tahun 2004 terjadinya tsunami yang telah melanda beberapa negara jiran kita. Ketika itu, aku tidak menghiraukan apa yang sedang berlaku kerana aku yakin, dan begitu yakin, Singapura akan terselamat dari segala bencana alam.
Tetapi, aku tidak tahu kenapa kejadian tsunami pada tahun ini membuat fikiranku berkecamuk. Aku sungguh risau, sungguh terkilan dan terganggu dengan berita-berita tentang kejadian gempa bumi dan juga tsunami ini. Aku tidak tahu mengapa, aku tidak senang hati. Terjadinya lagi sebuah kiamat kecil sebagai peringatan kepada kami. Apatah lagi setelah aku belajar Geography dan sedikit sebanyak telah menimba pengetahuan mengenai usul bencana alam seperti tsunami dan gempa bumi, aku menjadi lebih gementar.
Lebih dekat lagi kami pada Dunia Kiamat yang kami semua tahu akan bakal datang. Tetapi apakan daya, kita semua seperti tidak peduli.
Aku bukan mahu berkata apa dan aku juga tahu aku belum sedia. Hanya ini semua membuat aku terfikir apa yang aku telah lakukan selama ini. Seperti masa aku terbuang untuk hanya mengejarkan duniawi. 
Setiap yang kita ada di dunia tidak akan kami bawa ke akhirat. 

Insya Allah, tidakkan kita lupa pada daratan.
Insya Allah, dikuatkan lagi iman kami.
Insya Allah, dibukakan hati dan minda kami.

Saturday, February 20, 2010 @ 8:01 PM
This time we'll take it slow.

Saturday, February 13, 2010 @ 9:34 AM

Somebody, anybody. Bring me somewhere where I can ease my mind.

4056830968. 87859, 333759, 7325590, 7325590.
Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 9:02 PM
the times.

Having work all the time makes me miss spending time with loved ones. Even my Saturday wasn't spared and I had a hard time yesterday. I was exhausted. Really exhausted. I mean, a half day wouldn't hurt for Saturday's. I'm not complaining but the fact that everyone's enjoying their Saturdays makes me kind of envious.

Well, nevermind.

You guys should really enjoy your days.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @ 6:01 AM
deal or no deal

I just had to shake it off. I don't want to make myself feel miserable. Life's too short.

Alright. I have just sent the JAE admission and I felt weird. I do not know why but it's funny submitting entry for Poly. Maybe, it's just too fast. Everything's going fast and having to deal with other things may be hard.
Hah. And sometimes everything seems funny to me. Even problems. Even sad moments.

You know there is always one point of time where you decided to get out of the picture and see what's going around. You see so many things, those difficult and easy, those bitter and sweet, those tough and smooth. And it seem hilarious. It is like you're playing this game and you're in it.

Sometimes you have to return back to where you started. You make enemies and allies. You found new items and put them into your inventory and you'll have to know when is the right time to use. You have to fight and defend. You gotta go a long run just to complete one task. There are many doors and you must know which one will lead the right way. You make mistakes and then they allow you to give it another go.

The only thing that is different. If you die, you do not have any other extra lives (although cats have nine lives)

Sometimes,.. Okay, I better not say it.

It's just funny.
Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 7:51 PM
it is not even a game.




Mum, it was all fake.