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Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 9:02 PM
the times.

Having work all the time makes me miss spending time with loved ones. Even my Saturday wasn't spared and I had a hard time yesterday. I was exhausted. Really exhausted. I mean, a half day wouldn't hurt for Saturday's. I'm not complaining but the fact that everyone's enjoying their Saturdays makes me kind of envious.

Well, nevermind.

You guys should really enjoy your days.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @ 6:01 AM
deal or no deal

I just had to shake it off. I don't want to make myself feel miserable. Life's too short.

Alright. I have just sent the JAE admission and I felt weird. I do not know why but it's funny submitting entry for Poly. Maybe, it's just too fast. Everything's going fast and having to deal with other things may be hard.
Hah. And sometimes everything seems funny to me. Even problems. Even sad moments.

You know there is always one point of time where you decided to get out of the picture and see what's going around. You see so many things, those difficult and easy, those bitter and sweet, those tough and smooth. And it seem hilarious. It is like you're playing this game and you're in it.

Sometimes you have to return back to where you started. You make enemies and allies. You found new items and put them into your inventory and you'll have to know when is the right time to use. You have to fight and defend. You gotta go a long run just to complete one task. There are many doors and you must know which one will lead the right way. You make mistakes and then they allow you to give it another go.

The only thing that is different. If you die, you do not have any other extra lives (although cats have nine lives)

Sometimes,.. Okay, I better not say it.

It's just funny.
Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 7:51 PM
it is not even a game.




Mum, it was all fake.
@ 8:27 AM
i've had it.

Alright. Since other people had shared opinions about what they think about other people, this is mine. Especially when it concerns me, I will have to stand for myself. I am tired of being used to swallow all the things and trying to make things better. But hey, the other party has also to understand and make an effort. Oh wait, I forgot. Ego is a hard thing to overcome.

You know, it bothers me when some guys just do not give a damn to other people's feelings. They hurt you, and they thought it was alright. So they act as if nothing had happened. Blame it on the ego, even when they are at fault, saying sorry could be the last resort. Why? Because if they lose, they think people would see them as sissies. They don't want to lose to nothing at all. THEY JUST CAN'T LOSE.

Seriously, I see there is no respect for me. At all. And that had made my respect for you way down low.
What happened? You seemed different. You can't tell but I'm telling you now. Being so kecoh isn't cool.
And letting others down isn't cool too.

Come on, for once. FOR ONCE. Just stop and think.
Everyone has feelings. And I am sure you have one too.

P.S : I am NOT over-reacting.
Thursday, January 7, 2010 @ 5:35 AM
Only want you to know.

I swear I dreamt of Ryan Higa and I laughed in my sleep! In that dream he made a new video but I can't remember what topic it was about. But his face was funny and I swear I realised I was laughing while I'm asleep. I hoped that dreamt lasted long. He was extra funny. I wish to meet him so that he'll make me laugh till my face became tight like botox like that or till my cheek muscles starts to cramp or I suddenly have a six pack. Okay, that is gross.

Oh, Ryan Higa. Come to Singapore can?
Hahahahaha. Okay joking.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 6:52 AM
mr sunshine said hello.

Oh. School has just started. And I am glad I'm aren't one of those schoolers. Teehee! But I gotta work for 10 hours, 6 days per week. At least it isn't as bad as textbooks and writing essays. Well, rumour has it that O Level results will be released next week. Hmmm. I am quite abit nervous but being too busy don't get me thinking about all those. Unless someone reminds me about it.

Work is fun. With a very nice environment, nice people and relaxing work. I think it is the best work that I could ever get. The only thing that hasn't been comfortable for me is that I am surrounded by many Chinese workers and they tend to speak Chinese all the time. Kinda feel left out but I also put to mind that I am there to work. However, today one of the Malay installers called me and at last, I spoke Malay. After that conversation I felt like there was a fresh breath of air. I felt more comfortable although it was just a phone call.

9 hours of staring into the computer got me dizzy all the time. Fortunately, there is a huge window right in front of me. And today, I was lucky to have spotted a few nice planes flying around. I thought it was National Day. Hahaha.

Okay okay, right now my eyes starts to tear. I think I'm tired. Okay, I am. I'll have to survive another 9 hours of computer tomorrow. Wooh.

Have a nice day peeopleee.
Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 8:46 AM
there's no consistency.

sometimes you have to play with fire.
sometimes you have to lose to win.
sometimes you have to fall in order to get up.
sometimes you have to cry to laugh.
sometimes you have to give in order to take.
sometimes you have to hurt in order to heal.
sometimes you have to quit to go on.

that's life. (:
Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 10:06 AM
when the moon shine high in the clear blue sky

What better way to celebrate the New Year by sleeping over at your girlfriend's house? We had lots of fun for sure! And whenever we get together, there's always so much laughter and joy to share because each of them just couldn't stop cracking jokes. Unfortunately, there was only 5 of us but it still lasted with so much fun.

Sarong party girls? Haha. Well, that ain't a good name but we had fun imagining we were the people from the past, getting ready to go to the river to wash clothes. (Orang-orang lama belum mandi pegi sungai.)
I guess that it'll be long before I would meet them next time looking at my busy schedule.

Dearest cousin is also in band. Runs in the blood I see. Teehee.
Tampines Wind Ensemble was awesome. I think they were creative and easy-going people.

And this boy is cute and I love him. (:

Alright. Happy 2nd January 2010. (:

"Can I have your number? Can I have it? Can I? "
