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Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 7:44 AM
Make it a better place.

These few days quite a number of tv shows have been setting reminders about saving the earth. One thing that I ponder the most is about the melting of ice caps, which would cause a rise in sea level throughout the world. Imagine the ice caps are melted completely, Singapore, a low lying country would be submerged underwater. A new Atlantis perhaps. Okay, I shall not imagine that. It's just that the weird dreams that I had about these natural disasters made me think about it perpetually. Alright, I shall not get into Geography here.

And a random fact it is, I somehow dislocated my jaw. I freaked out for awhile but then decided it is just a normal thing. But looking like a camel ain't a normal thing. Fortunately, it is a little better now. Although those funny crack sounds still happen whenever I try to open my mouth, I am glad it isn't a serious case.

Haha. I am feeling a little lonely right now. I really don't know why.

I will just sleep it off then. (:

Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 8:59 AM
Mary, Mary. Quite contrary.

Wow. At last. Another blog of my own. (I'm being sarcastic to myself.) Credits to Lia for this wonderful, simple and nicely done skin! You can really be an IT designer someday. Kekeke. Not to forget Janiah's help too for my previous skin. Aren't I'm fortunate to have such nice girlfriends? ((: Talking about girlfriends, I really miss them alot. Looking forward for any meet-ups or sleepovers! I am looking forward for Ubin anytime now. Soon enough, each of us will be busy with our own things. ): I love each and every one of you girls! *HUGS*

Currently, waiting for at least a call from any jobs that I've applied for. And it seems that a week has passed, which means they aren't gonna call. And oh, congrats to Afiq for getting a job in less than 2 days! Hope he's doing fine right now. (psst. imy!)

It is kind of weird this November for me as everyday, I wake up with nothing to do nor worry. I don't have to wake up so early in the morning, worry about homeworks and project, pack my bag, iron my school uniform. It's pretty fun but weird. Mum really need a helping hand at home, especially with two extra kids we babysit. And boy it is hectic. Mum is wonderwoman to be able to survive it everyday.

Janiah and other schoolmates are trying their best to make the prom possible. The idea of having it at Metta was not such a bad idea. I was rather shocked to hear that some people think it as a disgrace. Well, what is wrong with supporting Metta. Nevertheless, I hope it'll be a wonderful occassion. Haha. (:

Well, it is 1 am now. I should really be sleeping.
@ 7:33 AM

hello wawa